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JETSTREAM : XXXXXXXX , the main influence for current and future weather patterns.


PRESSURE MAP : PPPPP , good indicator for winds, storms and cloud cover predictions.

( High = less, Low = more )

SURFACE TEMPERATURE : TTTTTTTT , if you know the wind direction, you can estimate

upcoming temperatures.

SATELITE VEIW : VVVVVV , brings it all together for a look at what’s here and approaching.


LOCAL WEATHER BY ZIP CODE : WWWWWW , just clear the search box and type in your

Zip Code for a personal forecast.

AURORA MAP NORTH : AAAAAAA SOUTH : AAAAA , shows where the aurora borealis might

be visible from, if your up late enough.






RECENT EARTHQUAKES : XXXXX , shows Earthquakes in the past hour,day, and week.


WORLD QUAKE MONITORS : XXXXXXXXX , seismograph charts for various World locations.


EQ3D : EEEEEEEEEEE Earthquake 3-D shows depths and shock waves pattern.


GOOGLE EARTH : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX , marks quake location and shows fault lines and

continental plates and ridges.

Time Zone Conversion Chart : TTTTTTTT , as titled.

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