Solar Flare Tracker :TTT , shows the path of solar flares coming from the Sun.
Helioviewer : XXXX , let’s you view the inner solar system through different satellites
and various filters ; then save a screenshot or movie from any time period you select.
SOHO : XXXXXXXX , website
STEREO : XXXXXXX , website
Where is Stereo A & B ? SSSSSSS , also, what planets are in view.
Secchi : XXXXXX , website
Solar Weather Scales : XX , ranks the severity of geomagnetic storms, solar radiation
storms and radio blackout threat.
Classification of Solar Flares : CCCCCC , as titled.
Space Weather.Com : SSSSSS , website.
Magnetic Shield : SSSS , Earth’s magnetic shields and solar wind image.
Magnetic Field : XXXXX , Earth’s magnetic bands and solar wind pressure images.
AURORA OVAL MAP NORTH : AAAAAAA , shows where the aurora borealis may be seen.
AURORA OVAL SOUTH : AAAAA , shows where aurora borealis may be seen.
Helioviewer : XXXX ,
, let’s you view the inner solar system through different satellites
and various filters ; then save a screenshot or movie from any time period you select.
STEREO : XXXXXXX , website.
Close Approach List : XXXXXXX , upcoming close approaching space bodies.
Find the name of a comet or asteroid, then go to JPL Orbit Diagram and type the name in the search box at the top of the page. ( note : you need JAVA enabled )
JPL Orbit Diagram : XXX , shows orbit paths of planets and bodies in the solar system.
Torino Impact Scale : IIIIIIIII , assesses impact hazard predictions.
SPACE - the Final Frontier ( Become an Amateur Astronomer ; Indoors )
Stellarium : XXXXXXXX This is a great program for amateur astronomers and backyard stargazers. You simply type in your location ( latitude & longitude ) and it will display the sky as it appears from your home, making it simple to locate any heavenly body you want to find.
3-D SOLAR SYSTEM : XXXXXXXXX , a bit confusing to use, but looks really cool.
World Wide Telescope : XXXXXXXXXXXX , welcome to the Cosmos.
Solar Flares, Sunspots, and Other Weather Related Updates : XXXXXX
Time Zone Conversion Charts : TTTTTTTT
More Instruments : IIIIII
Radiation Network : RRRRR