Tradition’s, man made, follow the nature of man,
sending to generations ahead the former mans’ plan.
When God is not listened to and His instruction forgotten,
the reality we live in becomes corrupt, becomes rotten.
Naturally, He love us, as we are all His children,
but do we return His love, or do we desire mans’ tradition?
His letter is written to us, so we can learn His instruction,
through mistranslations, His clear, strong message to us is almost forgotten.
When His truth is clearly read, His message of love comes shining through,
His forgiveness is given upon repentance, His wish for all, His wish for you.
God created all for His pleasure, so here we are, this “family of man”,
just remember to follow Gods’ traditions walk with Him in spirit and ask knowledge of His plan.
Plant the seeds of Gods’ truth by reading with understanding,
it’s there waiting just for you to clearly comprehend.
Gods’ love is constant and His rope of love will hold you in His grace,
honor Him and not the tradition’s of man.